Willowmore, 62km away from Uniondale on the N9, is a good destination for a meal, and to check out the information centre for the Baviaanskloof to plan your next trip to the area.
Even though Willowmore is considered as the western gateway to the Baviaanskloof it is a worthwhile destination in its own right, offering the visitor numerous places of interest and exceptionally friendly people.
- More InfoUpdated: 2 months agoKeurfontein is situated on the N9 between Willowmore and Uniondale easily accesible from the main road. It is therefore the ideal stopover for travellers between Gauteng and the Gardenroute.
- Bed And Breakfast
- Self Catering
- Guest House
- 082 414 8483
- 066 187 9826
- keurfonteinfarm@gmail.com